To register your club or league you have to follow these steps in order:
1. Basic Ball Handling
Participants engage in basic individual ball handling activities. Instructor demonstrates with their own ball, increasing the difficulty level with each new activity. Keep it fast and fun, and incorporate a competitive element to keep participants engaged.
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2. Basic Bat Handling
Participants engage in basic individual bat and ball, hand-eye coordination activities. Instructor demonstrates with their own bat and ball, increasing the difficulty level with each new activity. Keep it fast and fun, and incorporate a competitive element to keep participants engaged.
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3. Fill it up Bucket Ball
On the whistle, the instructor scatters balls from his/her bucket in all directions. The participants aim is to collect the balls as fast as possible (2 at a time), and to keep the bucket filled. After a set period (1 or 2 minutes), the participants must have returned all the balls to the bucket, or the instructor ‘wins’.
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4. Flip the Cones
Two teams compete to see who can flip the most cones to their team's assigned position. One team must flip cones right-side-up, while the other team must flip the cones upside-down. The team with the most cones in their position when the time period (2 or 3 minutes) elapses is the winner. Encourage participants to use two hands to replicate proper fielding technique.
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5. Gator Lake
Instructor performs a variety of fundamental-movement and ball-handling skills which the participants must copy while navigating along a series of ropes and obstacles. Instructor and participants must try to stay on the ropes at all times, or risk falling into ‘Gator Lake’.
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6. Relay Races
Participants are split into a number of even teams, and compete in relay races back-and-forth along the length of an imaginary pitch. Relays should begin as basic running races, and increase in difficulty as the activity goes on. Incorporate wickets, bats and other cricket elements to more closely resemble the sport.
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